Hi Everybody!
So today I am going to discuss, what I feel, is a very important topic.
I am going to talk about the makeup colors that most people put on their face. The 3 most common makeup products with a variety of colors that most people use are eyeshadow, blush, and lip color.
(things such as eyebrow colors, bronzers, highlighters, won't really cause problems (unless they are overdone) because they are usually neutral browns and white colors)
My advice to you is that if you are going to emphasize a strong or relatively strong color or tone on your face, choose one of them please. If you emphasize on more than one feature on the face, too much is going on, on the face, and it doesn't look right, it looks strange and confusing. The only time you would do that is if you were a clown, stage makeup, or Halloween. For everyday makeup or event makeup (parties, dances, weddings, etc.), the best way to show color on your face is choosing one of the three main options above.
For example, if you think about clubbing makeup, the eyes have all this crazy eyeshadow going on, and the blush is usually very light or none at all and the lips a nude/beige color.
This advice is for everyone, of any age, any skin color, male or female. You can't get away with looking...well, ugly, with all those colors on the face, even if you are a model or some famous person.
I always sort of cringe on the inside when I see women like this:
or this:
or this:
Like, I'm sure everyone has different tastes and beauty is to the eye of the beholder, etc. I believe that, but do you really think that this makes you look attractive or sexy or something? In my opinion no. Hey, but if you like doing it, I'm not gonna stop you. Again, this is my personal opinion.
I don't even want to talk about the pictures above, I believe they speak for themselves...
Too much color on the face will clash and conflict with one another.
Here's an example of what I think good emphasis is:
Her eyes are emphasized as you can see. It's true, it's very dramatic, and maybe some people will think it's scary. However, the plainness/nudity of her face balances the complexion and colors on her face. Can you image her with red lips and peach blush? Try that for a second, and then, you can see, how bad it looks!
I'm sure that there are features on your face that you like =), that you
want to show. That's perfectly reasonable, love yourself, express
yourself, but please do in moderation and one at a time. If you like
your eyes and your cheeks, switch them off, show some variety, don't put
like purple eyeshadow and super pink cheeks or something, they will
If your not sure what to do, or how you think of this, try my advice for a bit. If you like it, then okay. If you don't like it, that's fine too.
Do what you like, and like what you do =)
I hope this post was useful, thank you for reading!
I'm a person who loves to look good, and who doesn't?! =D But I have complex combination extremely sensitive skin and I know there are others like me out there! This blog is to show mainly my skincare product reviews to help others with skin issues like me! I hope that you will find this useful and encouraging!

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- makeup (104)
- makeup background basics (22)
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