Hi Everyone!
Hope you had a great weekend and now it's back to work or school, or both, yay! XP
Here are a few "Mini Reviews". I call them mini because these are product that I bought that either
1) did not use often enough for a proper review
2) or in general, I don't have much to say about them
And therefore, I would not call them a full review. Because it would be too short and sad. Anyway, here we go!
Make Up Forever Lipstick Rouge Artist Intense #24
This was something I bought over the summer and loved! Unfortunately, I don't wear lipstick often, as in less than a dozen times per year, and so this ended up expiring and I barely used it (maybe 5 or 6 times). It dried out really fast, dried out after 5 months. It made me sad that I wasted money =(. Also, I'm not sure because of drying out, or because my skin has become so pale, but initially this was sort of a warm, mauve peach nude lipstick, but now it looks like a dark pink mauve color. I'm exactly sure what happened =/.
Anyway, overall, I did love this lipstick. I think if your skin is on the tanner/warmer tone, then this would be a good nude lipstick to try. It is a nude lipstick in an everyday sense, you could wear this out during the day and not look too pale or sickly. But to warn you, it can dry out fast, so buy it only if you wear lipstick often.
I am sorry I do not have any photos, I recently broke the lipstick (yes, I'm a noob, that's how little I use lipstick) and threw it away. However, I checked online photos and it does seem that the drying and/or oxidation has darkened the color considerably to the point that if I took a picture, it would look like a different shade of lipstick. But, I'm sorry, no pictures. =(
Sephora DUO Brush-On Adhesive with Vitamins
I bought this recently, and I really like this way of applying false eyelashes. I do not like the tube first because the evaporating glue always irritated and stung my eyes, and second because it would get messy and annoying for me. However, this glue does not irritate my eyes or the skin around my lashline and application is much faster, cleaner, and easier.
About the Vitamins, honestly, I don't think it does anything, and it's just a marketing trick.
Sephora Individual False Lashes
I wanted to try individual falsies for a long time. I think they look much more natural than full or half false lashes that are called natural. I've only tried these on once, but I do think they look much more natural and are not as heavy on my eyes. The issue I have with this particular set is that the lashes are very long. Maybe on a Caucasian person they would be a more normal length, but for my smaller Asian eyes and much shorter eyelashes, these are very very long and look unnatural unless I trim them. So that's what I did, and they work out much better. =) I can wear them without eyeliner or eyeshadow, my glue is clear and you can't even tell that I have false lashes, even when I close my eyes! Before you jump to it though, while I found it very easy to apply individual lashes, I have heard that it can be difficult for some people, and all you need is a little patience and some practice, so be prepared for that. =P
Hope that you got something out of these reviews. Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading and I will see you later! =)
I'm a person who loves to look good, and who doesn't?! =D But I have complex combination extremely sensitive skin and I know there are others like me out there! This blog is to show mainly my skincare product reviews to help others with skin issues like me! I hope that you will find this useful and encouraging!

- fashion (42)
- haircare and nailcare (32)
- hairstyles (3)
- health (1)
- makeup (104)
- makeup background basics (22)
- personal thoughts (2)
- random helpful stuff =P (11)
- skincare (99)
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Review on Sana Nameraka Isoflavone Facial Cream
Hi Everyone!
Today I am reviewing the Sana Nameraka Isoflavone Facial Cream!
This product cost about $16. It is sold on Amazon Prime and probably at Japanese stores such as Marukai Living, Takashima, and Mitsuwa. It contains 50 grams or 1.8 fluid oz of product.
What do I think about this product?
So a little while ago I reviewed another Sana Nameraka product, their eyecream. And I loved it so much that I decided to try another one of their products.
Winter in the eastcoast is here! And it has been getting very cold and dry, especially when it is windy, my skin can dry out easily.
I've used this cream for at least 2 months. There is not added color and no fragrance and not oil-based. My sensitive skin has not been irritated or inflamed in any way. This cream does not clog my pores or cause breakouts or rashes. Also, it is also great to use with Biore Sarasara Sunscreen because it is able to work with the water-based sunscreen and not start solidifying or polymerizing.
This product is interesting in a good way. haha. The cream looks very light and gel like, but actually is quite dense. The jar looks small, but actually has some weight. When I start applying it, it does feel like a heavier, stickier cream, but once it is fully absorbed into the skin, it feels light-weight and not sticky at all! It has kept my skin nice and moisturized without feeling heavy, getting oily or shiny, and lasts all day long! My skin always feels soft and well moisturized whenever I use it.
I would say this is between a light to heavy moisturizer, somewhere in the middle. If you apply more, it starts becoming more heavy and thick and that might work better for those who have very dry skin. Or if you tend to have oilier skin, maybe you should apply less.
I find it best to put on when my face is still damp after washing so that it makes it easier to apply and spread out the cream onto my face.
While it says online to use it at night, I haven't had problems wearing it during the day. When I use it at night, I will just apply more product than I do during the day and it works great!
Do I recommend this product?
In general I recommend this to all skin types, but especially if you have dry skin and/or live in an area with a dryer climate or when it becomes seasonally dry. This is a great moisturizing cream, but if you are looking for more things in your facial creams (like for fine lines, SPF, brightening, etc.), then maybe you want to try something else. This cream just focuses on moisturizing skin and keeping the moisture in there, it is simple and straight forward, and if you are looking for that, I highly recommend this product. =)
So I hope that you liked the review. Feel free to write any questions or comments in the comment box below! Thank you for reading and I will see you soon. =D
Today I am reviewing the Sana Nameraka Isoflavone Facial Cream!
This product cost about $16. It is sold on Amazon Prime and probably at Japanese stores such as Marukai Living, Takashima, and Mitsuwa. It contains 50 grams or 1.8 fluid oz of product.
What do I think about this product?
So a little while ago I reviewed another Sana Nameraka product, their eyecream. And I loved it so much that I decided to try another one of their products.
Winter in the eastcoast is here! And it has been getting very cold and dry, especially when it is windy, my skin can dry out easily.
I've used this cream for at least 2 months. There is not added color and no fragrance and not oil-based. My sensitive skin has not been irritated or inflamed in any way. This cream does not clog my pores or cause breakouts or rashes. Also, it is also great to use with Biore Sarasara Sunscreen because it is able to work with the water-based sunscreen and not start solidifying or polymerizing.
This product is interesting in a good way. haha. The cream looks very light and gel like, but actually is quite dense. The jar looks small, but actually has some weight. When I start applying it, it does feel like a heavier, stickier cream, but once it is fully absorbed into the skin, it feels light-weight and not sticky at all! It has kept my skin nice and moisturized without feeling heavy, getting oily or shiny, and lasts all day long! My skin always feels soft and well moisturized whenever I use it.
I would say this is between a light to heavy moisturizer, somewhere in the middle. If you apply more, it starts becoming more heavy and thick and that might work better for those who have very dry skin. Or if you tend to have oilier skin, maybe you should apply less.
I find it best to put on when my face is still damp after washing so that it makes it easier to apply and spread out the cream onto my face.
While it says online to use it at night, I haven't had problems wearing it during the day. When I use it at night, I will just apply more product than I do during the day and it works great!
Do I recommend this product?
In general I recommend this to all skin types, but especially if you have dry skin and/or live in an area with a dryer climate or when it becomes seasonally dry. This is a great moisturizing cream, but if you are looking for more things in your facial creams (like for fine lines, SPF, brightening, etc.), then maybe you want to try something else. This cream just focuses on moisturizing skin and keeping the moisture in there, it is simple and straight forward, and if you are looking for that, I highly recommend this product. =)
So I hope that you liked the review. Feel free to write any questions or comments in the comment box below! Thank you for reading and I will see you soon. =D
Friday, November 28, 2014
Outfit of the Day and Updates!
Hi Everyone!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! (If you live in North America).
Also, it was Black Friday today! Hopefully you guy got some good deals =). (And real deals, not the kind stores try to make it look like it's a good sale but it's not, I hate that) I bought 2 items of clothing, one of them I've been eyeing for a while and I'm so happy that I got it at a reasonable price. I'll wear it in another outfit post.
So sorry I have not be posting lately. I am in a very difficult class block now and it's eating up my time and my brains. =P
This is what I wore today! (Sorry, I know there are no side views or back views, but there was nothing on my clothes that I felt was significant to show, like a design or something)
I wore this out today. Yes, and if you like to know, it was a high of 42F and a low of 31F today and I felt fine. =P Well, maybe except for my nose and hands, I don't like wearing gloves.
So if you are a person who gets cold easily, you might want to change things up.
Pleather jacket: Forever 21
Turtleneck long-sleeve: Uniqlo Heattech Extra-Warm turtleneck long-sleeve
Cami: Uniqlo Heattech
Skirt: some street vendor in China
Knit tights: Uniqlo Heattech ribbed knit tights
Boots: some random no-brand store in Japan
This is a more youthful, punky?, rock? look. At least it's more on the edgy and on the playful side. Obviously, today there was no class and that's why I wore this. =P Not sure how the rest of the med and grad students would think of this. Medicine is conservative and my school is also affiliated with a more conservative religion =P.
What I did not take a picture of was the sleeves which have zippers that are parallel to the arm.
The sleeves of the jacket are pretty long and that's how I like them (also keep my hands warm-ish, better than nothing XP)
Also, the belt in front is a fake. It is sewn into the sides of the jacket, closer towards the back. Not important to me, glad I don't have to worry about twisting or folding it when I sit down against something, but if you don't like that, well, I'm telling you about it now, haha.
I recently got the jacket and I love it! The images above also show what it looks like zipped up all the way. Whenever I see a jacket with interesting designs that looks great in a certain way (like not button-uped or not zipped-up all the way), I always make sure to see what it looks like in different ways (fully open, partially or half opened, fulled closed). Because sometimes it can look bad, and then....I don't want it anymore. =P
The jacket itself is actually a size medium, which is surprising because usually a medium of anything in Forever 21 is kind of baggy on me. The lady at the store says the sizes run smaller for this jacket. Also, it still being a little bigger than a small allow me to layer up inside so that I am still able to move my arms freely.
So I hope that you liked this look. Perhaps it can help you if you're looking to find something more edgy and different!
Have a great weekend and I will talk to you later! Thanks for reading. =)
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! (If you live in North America).
Also, it was Black Friday today! Hopefully you guy got some good deals =). (And real deals, not the kind stores try to make it look like it's a good sale but it's not, I hate that) I bought 2 items of clothing, one of them I've been eyeing for a while and I'm so happy that I got it at a reasonable price. I'll wear it in another outfit post.
So sorry I have not be posting lately. I am in a very difficult class block now and it's eating up my time and my brains. =P
This is what I wore today! (Sorry, I know there are no side views or back views, but there was nothing on my clothes that I felt was significant to show, like a design or something)
I wore this out today. Yes, and if you like to know, it was a high of 42F and a low of 31F today and I felt fine. =P Well, maybe except for my nose and hands, I don't like wearing gloves.
So if you are a person who gets cold easily, you might want to change things up.
Pleather jacket: Forever 21
Turtleneck long-sleeve: Uniqlo Heattech Extra-Warm turtleneck long-sleeve
Cami: Uniqlo Heattech
Skirt: some street vendor in China
Knit tights: Uniqlo Heattech ribbed knit tights
Boots: some random no-brand store in Japan
This is a more youthful, punky?, rock? look. At least it's more on the edgy and on the playful side. Obviously, today there was no class and that's why I wore this. =P Not sure how the rest of the med and grad students would think of this. Medicine is conservative and my school is also affiliated with a more conservative religion =P.
What I did not take a picture of was the sleeves which have zippers that are parallel to the arm.
The sleeves of the jacket are pretty long and that's how I like them (also keep my hands warm-ish, better than nothing XP)
Also, the belt in front is a fake. It is sewn into the sides of the jacket, closer towards the back. Not important to me, glad I don't have to worry about twisting or folding it when I sit down against something, but if you don't like that, well, I'm telling you about it now, haha.
I recently got the jacket and I love it! The images above also show what it looks like zipped up all the way. Whenever I see a jacket with interesting designs that looks great in a certain way (like not button-uped or not zipped-up all the way), I always make sure to see what it looks like in different ways (fully open, partially or half opened, fulled closed). Because sometimes it can look bad, and then....I don't want it anymore. =P
The jacket itself is actually a size medium, which is surprising because usually a medium of anything in Forever 21 is kind of baggy on me. The lady at the store says the sizes run smaller for this jacket. Also, it still being a little bigger than a small allow me to layer up inside so that I am still able to move my arms freely.
So I hope that you liked this look. Perhaps it can help you if you're looking to find something more edgy and different!
Have a great weekend and I will talk to you later! Thanks for reading. =)
Monday, November 10, 2014
Outfit of the Day! ;D
Hi Everyone!
So, sorry I haven't been in touch with you guys! I have a couple of exams coming up and I've been very busying study. One class only is determined by one exam and the other exam will probably have a higher average so I need to make sure I'm ahead! After that, I have some great things to review for the coming winter, so please be a little more patient! Thank you =)
This is what I wore today!
Long-sleeve turtleneck: Uniqlo Heattech
Sweater dress: Banana Republic
Navy tights: Uniqlo
Boots: Can't find the brand name, I bought them in Japan
This is a much more mature and sophisticated look. Especially when wearing Banana Republic, it's an older women's brand. I'm not saying this for old women okay, But this is for women who are probably in their late twenties and onwards. Granted, I'm not even at my mid twenties, but I'm starting to find more mature clothes more appealing. Maybe I'm just growing up! Or growing old....lol. XP
Anway, this is not a super-tight sweater dress. For my desired profession, I think it would be too much to wear tight clothes top to bottom. Besides, a looser fit lets me eat more! XD I also attend a med school, and sorry, but you are judged by what you wear and we are not here to show off, we are here to learn and learn how to help others. I can still have my sense of style while I'm at school, but in the real world, I'll probably wear even more conserved and simpler things on the job. But if I'm going out to an event, I don't have a problem with wearing what I want as long as it's still appropriate. (yes, sadly I'm not a teen anymore)
If you're in a situation where looks don't matter or you just don't care, you can make it sexier with tight boots or stilettos (or if it's not that cold, bare legs). I chose boots because well, it's colder here now, I'd like to be good looking and comfortable at the same time.
Honestly, I would have preferred dark red (like a maroon, oxblood, or burgundy) tights, but I don't have any, but I wanted to wear something other than black, because I was wearing so much black already. Of course black tights look good with this outfit too, but it's a little too safe and I like more color sometimes.
For those of you who want a more mature and sophisticated look, or want to dress older, maybe this will give you some inspiration!
So I hope you liked the look!
Feel free to comment or ask questions in the box below. =) Thanks for reading and I'll see you later!
So, sorry I haven't been in touch with you guys! I have a couple of exams coming up and I've been very busying study. One class only is determined by one exam and the other exam will probably have a higher average so I need to make sure I'm ahead! After that, I have some great things to review for the coming winter, so please be a little more patient! Thank you =)
This is what I wore today!
Long-sleeve turtleneck: Uniqlo Heattech
Sweater dress: Banana Republic
Navy tights: Uniqlo
Boots: Can't find the brand name, I bought them in Japan
This is a much more mature and sophisticated look. Especially when wearing Banana Republic, it's an older women's brand. I'm not saying this for old women okay, But this is for women who are probably in their late twenties and onwards. Granted, I'm not even at my mid twenties, but I'm starting to find more mature clothes more appealing. Maybe I'm just growing up! Or growing old....lol. XP
Anway, this is not a super-tight sweater dress. For my desired profession, I think it would be too much to wear tight clothes top to bottom. Besides, a looser fit lets me eat more! XD I also attend a med school, and sorry, but you are judged by what you wear and we are not here to show off, we are here to learn and learn how to help others. I can still have my sense of style while I'm at school, but in the real world, I'll probably wear even more conserved and simpler things on the job. But if I'm going out to an event, I don't have a problem with wearing what I want as long as it's still appropriate. (yes, sadly I'm not a teen anymore)
If you're in a situation where looks don't matter or you just don't care, you can make it sexier with tight boots or stilettos (or if it's not that cold, bare legs). I chose boots because well, it's colder here now, I'd like to be good looking and comfortable at the same time.
Honestly, I would have preferred dark red (like a maroon, oxblood, or burgundy) tights, but I don't have any, but I wanted to wear something other than black, because I was wearing so much black already. Of course black tights look good with this outfit too, but it's a little too safe and I like more color sometimes.
For those of you who want a more mature and sophisticated look, or want to dress older, maybe this will give you some inspiration!
So I hope you liked the look!
Feel free to comment or ask questions in the box below. =) Thanks for reading and I'll see you later!
Monday, November 3, 2014
Outfit of the Day! =)
Hi guys!
I just go back home about an hour ago and it was 55F. X( Kind of cold, but it hasn't gotten that bad yet. =P
This is what I wore today!
We have entered fall season! Well, we've been in fall for a month, but now the leaves are really starting to change color and literally fall down. It's also getting colder too. >.<
Many of you have seem some of these things before, sorry =P. But the coat is the new thing, haha, which is what I wanted to show you guys!
Trenchcoat: Rosegal
Black turtleneck: Uniqlo heattech
Skirt: Lowrys Farm
Tights: Uniqlo heattech
Wedges: BCBG
This is sort of a simple but elegant look, it becomes more flashy with the coat, but I believe that it brings some warmth and color to the outfit. I especially love how my skirt peaks out from underneath the coat. It was so cold today (even inside the lecture halls) that I didn't bother taking the coat off, so in a sense, that was how people saw my outfit today (and not what was underneath).
Hope this gave you some good ideas. You can always make your look pop with just a brightly color coat, a red or bright blue looks amazing too! =D If you're not comfortable with bright colors, go for a darker more dull color, such as maroon or burgundy instead of red, or navy instead of royal blue, but try to retain that essence of color, to keep your look from being too plain or boring.
So, I hope you liked my outfit. Let me know if you have any questions or comments in the comment box below! Thanks for reading! I'll see you later! =)
I just go back home about an hour ago and it was 55F. X( Kind of cold, but it hasn't gotten that bad yet. =P
This is what I wore today!
We have entered fall season! Well, we've been in fall for a month, but now the leaves are really starting to change color and literally fall down. It's also getting colder too. >.<
Many of you have seem some of these things before, sorry =P. But the coat is the new thing, haha, which is what I wanted to show you guys!
Trenchcoat: Rosegal
Black turtleneck: Uniqlo heattech
Skirt: Lowrys Farm
Tights: Uniqlo heattech
Wedges: BCBG
This is sort of a simple but elegant look, it becomes more flashy with the coat, but I believe that it brings some warmth and color to the outfit. I especially love how my skirt peaks out from underneath the coat. It was so cold today (even inside the lecture halls) that I didn't bother taking the coat off, so in a sense, that was how people saw my outfit today (and not what was underneath).
Hope this gave you some good ideas. You can always make your look pop with just a brightly color coat, a red or bright blue looks amazing too! =D If you're not comfortable with bright colors, go for a darker more dull color, such as maroon or burgundy instead of red, or navy instead of royal blue, but try to retain that essence of color, to keep your look from being too plain or boring.
So, I hope you liked my outfit. Let me know if you have any questions or comments in the comment box below! Thanks for reading! I'll see you later! =)
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