Hi Everyone!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! (If you live in North America).
Also, it was Black Friday today! Hopefully you guy got some good deals =). (And real deals, not the kind stores try to make it look like it's a good sale but it's not, I hate that) I bought 2 items of clothing, one of them I've been eyeing for a while and I'm so happy that I got it at a reasonable price. I'll wear it in another outfit post.
So sorry I have not be posting lately. I am in a very difficult class block now and it's eating up my time and my brains. =P
This is what I wore today! (Sorry, I know there are no side views or back views, but there was nothing on my clothes that I felt was significant to show, like a design or something)
I wore this out today. Yes, and if you like to know, it was a high of 42F and a low of 31F today and I felt fine. =P Well, maybe except for my nose and hands, I don't like wearing gloves.
So if you are a person who gets cold easily, you might want to change things up.
Pleather jacket: Forever 21
Turtleneck long-sleeve: Uniqlo Heattech Extra-Warm turtleneck long-sleeve
Cami: Uniqlo Heattech
Skirt: some street vendor in China
Knit tights: Uniqlo Heattech ribbed knit tights
Boots: some random no-brand store in Japan
This is a more youthful, punky?, rock? look. At least it's more on the edgy and on the playful side. Obviously, today there was no class and that's why I wore this. =P Not sure how the rest of the med and grad students would think of this. Medicine is conservative and my school is also affiliated with a more conservative religion =P.
What I did not take a picture of was the sleeves which have zippers that are parallel to the arm.
The sleeves of the jacket are pretty long and that's how I like them (also keep my hands warm-ish, better than nothing XP)
Also, the belt in front is a fake. It is sewn into the sides of the jacket, closer towards the back. Not important to me, glad I don't have to worry about twisting or folding it when I sit down against something, but if you don't like that, well, I'm telling you about it now, haha.
I recently got the jacket and I love it! The images above also show what it looks like zipped up all the way. Whenever I see a jacket with interesting designs that looks great in a certain way (like not button-uped or not zipped-up all the way), I always make sure to see what it looks like in different ways (fully open, partially or half opened, fulled closed). Because sometimes it can look bad, and then....I don't want it anymore. =P
The jacket itself is actually a size medium, which is surprising because usually a medium of anything in Forever 21 is kind of baggy on me. The lady at the store says the sizes run smaller for this jacket. Also, it still being a little bigger than a small allow me to layer up inside so that I am still able to move my arms freely.
So I hope that you liked this look. Perhaps it can help you if you're looking to find something more edgy and different!
Have a great weekend and I will talk to you later! Thanks for reading. =)
I'm a person who loves to look good, and who doesn't?! =D But I have complex combination extremely sensitive skin and I know there are others like me out there! This blog is to show mainly my skincare product reviews to help others with skin issues like me! I hope that you will find this useful and encouraging!

- fashion (42)
- haircare and nailcare (32)
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- makeup (104)
- makeup background basics (22)
- personal thoughts (2)
- random helpful stuff =P (11)
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