Hi Everyone!
Hope you had a great weekend and now it's back to work or school, or both, yay! XP
Here are a few "Mini Reviews". I call them mini because these are product that I bought that either
1) did not use often enough for a proper review
2) or in general, I don't have much to say about them
And therefore, I would not call them a full review. Because it would be too short and sad. Anyway, here we go!
Make Up Forever Lipstick Rouge Artist Intense #24
This was something I bought over the summer and loved! Unfortunately, I don't wear lipstick often, as in less than a dozen times per year, and so this ended up expiring and I barely used it (maybe 5 or 6 times). It dried out really fast, dried out after 5 months. It made me sad that I wasted money =(. Also, I'm not sure because of drying out, or because my skin has become so pale, but initially this was sort of a warm, mauve peach nude lipstick, but now it looks like a dark pink mauve color. I'm exactly sure what happened =/.
Anyway, overall, I did love this lipstick. I think if your skin is on the tanner/warmer tone, then this would be a good nude lipstick to try. It is a nude lipstick in an everyday sense, you could wear this out during the day and not look too pale or sickly. But to warn you, it can dry out fast, so buy it only if you wear lipstick often.
I am sorry I do not have any photos, I recently broke the lipstick (yes, I'm a noob, that's how little I use lipstick) and threw it away. However, I checked online photos and it does seem that the drying and/or oxidation has darkened the color considerably to the point that if I took a picture, it would look like a different shade of lipstick. But, I'm sorry, no pictures. =(
Sephora DUO Brush-On Adhesive with Vitamins
I bought this recently, and I really like this way of applying false eyelashes. I do not like the tube first because the evaporating glue always irritated and stung my eyes, and second because it would get messy and annoying for me. However, this glue does not irritate my eyes or the skin around my lashline and application is much faster, cleaner, and easier.
About the Vitamins, honestly, I don't think it does anything, and it's just a marketing trick.
Sephora Individual False Lashes
I wanted to try individual falsies for a long time. I think they look much more natural than full or half false lashes that are called natural. I've only tried these on once, but I do think they look much more natural and are not as heavy on my eyes. The issue I have with this particular set is that the lashes are very long. Maybe on a Caucasian person they would be a more normal length, but for my smaller Asian eyes and much shorter eyelashes, these are very very long and look unnatural unless I trim them. So that's what I did, and they work out much better. =) I can wear them without eyeliner or eyeshadow, my glue is clear and you can't even tell that I have false lashes, even when I close my eyes! Before you jump to it though, while I found it very easy to apply individual lashes, I have heard that it can be difficult for some people, and all you need is a little patience and some practice, so be prepared for that. =P
Hope that you got something out of these reviews. Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading and I will see you later! =)
I'm a person who loves to look good, and who doesn't?! =D But I have complex combination extremely sensitive skin and I know there are others like me out there! This blog is to show mainly my skincare product reviews to help others with skin issues like me! I hope that you will find this useful and encouraging!

- fashion (42)
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- makeup (104)
- makeup background basics (22)
- personal thoughts (2)
- random helpful stuff =P (11)
- skincare (99)
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