Hey everyone!
So I have an exam in a couple of days and then 2 finals in a week on the same day..so, I'll be pretty busy studying what not and I still have work and my ER shift, so I won't be able to post stuff until the 2nd week of August =/. And when I say I'm buys, I am super busy, I'm not even allowing my bf to visit me until summer session 1 is done!
So sorry guys XO, but I am really busy and I want to do well on my exams! I hope you understand.
I'm still working on stuff, and trying products, etc. I just won't be able to write and post things till August. So please be patient and I'll be back soon!
Thank you!
C u guys later! X)
I'm a person who loves to look good, and who doesn't?! =D But I have complex combination extremely sensitive skin and I know there are others like me out there! This blog is to show mainly my skincare product reviews to help others with skin issues like me! I hope that you will find this useful and encouraging!

- fashion (42)
- haircare and nailcare (32)
- hairstyles (3)
- health (1)
- makeup (104)
- makeup background basics (22)
- personal thoughts (2)
- random helpful stuff =P (11)
- skincare (99)
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